Friday, January 20, 2012

Actually...there were a few things I forgot to mention

Forgot to tell you one of the stories from the folks in Galway. It needs to be told by two person talks, the other just needs to act out a part. Of an Ostrich! It's better in person, just ask me, I'll tell you;)

Crosswords are good for picking up lingo I've decided. Half the answers, or clues for that matter are things I've ever heard of, but I do now;)

They use the f word a lot in Ireland...Katie have you ever thought of visiting? They might make you queen;)

All trains, buses, ferries, planes...should have free wifi;)

Virgin now is in banking, too?!

The trailerythingy carrying the ambulances on the ferry had a website on that's so close to my Caitiebug's name! She probably runs that busy!

I think I've watched more soccer/football than you, K.O.! Do you know who the hair dryer is? Alex Ferguson! Hilarious;)

I'm often typing with my left hand, how about that, mom;)

I can't believe I was in Scotland and ever saw Sean Connery! One more reason to go back;)

Dad, they make a travel size wine aerator...;)

In addition to being (me and) a cannon, Roaring Meg is also a wine...pinot noir! Gotta put that on my list;)

Nones, I forgot to tell you about going to Nora Barnacle's house...we will have to read Joyce together when you're a little older, but I have no doubt that you'll be driving the boys crazy!

Pandora stores are everywhere here! But they don't have charms that relate to different cities. Don't even think about it! My friend in London and I are already doing it and we're going to make millions;) trademark mBw

Paigey and sarahbarah, in one pub in Ireland they had a hair straightener in the bathroom! Hilarious although really not worth wasting euros on considering its always misting in Ireland!

I saw an ad for the cutest little (seriously, like a mini) refrigerator in pink! Made by Smeg!

In the Champagne Room they had this huge chandelier that I would probably have to have in my mansion;) also, the younger guys? Had on really cute coats-they looked lie that one you got at Halls, Stephen. You'd love them;)

I feel so free when I don't have to walk with the backpack on;)

The Oscars are coming up?

Riding through the countryside in Scotland I saw all the beautiful homes we typically think of in Scotland;) and sheep are literally dotting the fields it's like riding through a postcard! For some reason Sr. Harriett pops in my head! That makes me smile even more. I think of how intimidated of her I was in high school and how grateful I am that I got to really know her before we lost her-amazing woman! And then, maybe because I am thinking of PJ, I think of Rosemary. Now I'm really smiling! I am that crazy person on the train sitting by herself jotting things in a tiny notebook and laughing out loud! And I love it;) what a blessing to know and love Rosemary, too!

How cute is a man in a kilt? Very! I love it;) makes me think about your wedding, Stacey. That was amazing!
There's a t-shirt that reads "it's a kilt. If I was wearing underwear, then it would be a skirt!" ;)

At the airport there's an "in and out" spa. Well these should be everywhere! You can get a makeover, have your brows done, mani/pedis (I really need one!) massages and there's this little hut thing you enter and then exit. It reminds me of The Jetsons-we are really behind on that stuff btw! I want to jump on the conveyor belt in the morning and end up fluffed and primped and ready to go when I come out the other end! Whoever gets that going first, that's where I'm moving ;)

There's also a store that carries my new favorite brand "Ness" they have the cutest stuff. Right now I'm floored because all the handbags are named....the one I originally saw and loved is called "Beth" and the one I tried to convince myself to buy just now is called "Peggy"! Just know that in my heart I bought them for you, Beth and Mom;) Beth's is a clutch with a little bow, Mom's is a little palm-sized bag with flowers. You can get various colors of plaids, but of course I'd go pink!

In duty free at Edinburgh airport there were video ads of paigey's husband everywhere! Paigey and Ryan Reynolds-so cute;)

Speaking of weddings...Megan I see dresses and all sorts of things everywhere;) I'm so excited!

What the heck is a stone vs. a pound?

The Scottish paper headline reads "1000 days to decide our future" it will be interesting to see what happens jubilee is coming up and Scotland and Jamaica don't appear to be interested in celebrating it :-/

When I booked my flight I had a window seat-15C. I changed it while I was checking my bag, when I get to my lovely aisle seat,there's a woman in my old window seat next to me (we've got the center open!) It's so interesting to me because i wanted the aisle, she was probably wanting that window that she's all curled up to. I love that things work out for us both;) plus air travel is easier here-free checked bags and free wine ;)
The captain making the typical announcements is cracking himself up! Not in a Southwest Airlines funny way. He's saying all the typical things like right out of the manual, but cannot stop laughing. You know I have to be in on the joke! The flight attendant says he doesn't know either, but that he's a really nice guy and they like to fly with him. Later he comes back, kneels done and nose-to-nose says the co-pilot was mimicking the pilot the whole time he was making the announcements and that's why he couldn't stop laughing:) I love it! Another one who loves his job! I could be, not a pilot, but a flight attendant!
I am surprised when they do the safety announcement that they tell you that in case of an emergency landing to remove your high heels before exiting. Makes me think of you, Molly. I'm grateful you're ok;)

When I get to London, my bag is not there. I go to the bag claim office. Carl and Beverley are working. I can tell Carl is trouble immediately and I tell him so. Beverley could not agree more! But she's on it and two minutes later I've got my bag! Just as I was thinking I would HAVE TO buy new clothes. Bev feels my pain:) I ask for directions to the tube and of course Carl starts with "you can't miss it"

Had tea at Patisserie Valeri if for no reason other than you, Val ;)

Before Three Days in May starts I'm thinking where is Kelly when I need her? Just because she's brilliant (and beautiful and a hell of a lot of fun!) and she'd fill me in on everything Churchill! Remember when we saw Elizabeth? You were just back from Seattle and wondering about KC. Just before the movie started you double checked that I knew the details and gave my a two minute overview-made the movie ten times better;) then we went to have a glass of wine at the old Yahooz. The second they set our glasses down they told us they were closed. Seems like you moved after that. You have to be able to have (a glass of wine and) a discussion about a movie or play or whatever that you've just enjoyed! What were they thinking? I'm glad i haven't run into that!

Okay, this theatre only seats about 240. This guy is in the front row (this is at Three Days of May) and has binoculars! And not just the regular ones...they're like opera glasses attached to his regular glasses! Hysterical ;)

I didn't tell you about my friend Muriel. Not the one in Scotland, this one's in London, although she's not from there. Anyway she was one of the people I asked for directions to a theatre. She's a beautiful black woman working in the lobby of a bank. Banks are great places to ask for directions;) anyway, she had this huge smile and instead of saying "yeah?" or "what do you want?" she says "what can I do for you?" she's seated behind this really tall desk so I smile and say "well...I'd love to be five feet tall." "why?" I don't say a word. She goes on to say that she thinks I'm beautiful just as I am. She said if I grew to five feet, I wouldn't be me anymore-I wouldn't be perfect. Don't I know that the person looking for me won't recognize me at five feet and how sad would that be? Moral of the story? Be happy as you are and meet more people named Muriel ;)

One of the things I love about traveling on the tube is the people watching. There are crazy wacky people, but what really gets me is how many beautiful people there are. No airbrushing, sometimes no makeup at all, not necessarily owning their beauty, but just flat out beautiful people! Do they have any clue? I hope someone is telling them;)

Actually, on that note, there was an advert (don't make fun of me, that's what they're called here!) that claims the person of your dreams could have been standing right by you on the tube, but you're too busy to for the busy set! As much as I agree with the premise, I hope the tube doesn't turn into a dating platform. I want people to stay this kind of beautiful;)

Standing in queue at tkts, I was talking to the man behind me- I know, shocker! Anyway, he used to live right there! RIGHT there! In Leicester Square! His company had a flat there and so when he moved here (no one is from London!) he took that flat. I think (out loud, oops!) I could just wake up, come down, queue up and then see a show everyday! He says, you could have but my company sold the flat! Wouldn't you know it, he's really not that in to theatre;)

Kristin, I saw me (or what i imagine you think I'd look like at the l)at the tube station one day. Well, an exaggerated version of me- I think I'm probably taller and my suitcase wasn't as big. Also, I never twirl around with it in my hands. God love her, she hit a few people;( she was just turned around trying to figure out how to catch one train to another. Scary that I gave her directions;)

As I was waiting for a train one day (!) I started talking (!) to a guy named Robert. He said he's been traveling for two years! Well, not exactly. He's from Australia he now lives in Luxembourg and works as an interior designer for car companies. Totally different travel than I was thinking/am doing. But he's so nice. He says he had a much smaller backpack when he was traveling/traveling. But when I stand up to go he smiles. Actually his backpack was about the same size, mine just seems larger. That makes me laugh even now! He's a little taller than me;)

Ok! England has a self service beer bar! We need that! You just put coins/credit card in and it's draught beer!

Riding on a train one day, in Germany I saw the name "Wiese" in white spray paint on the side of a red building! If I hadn't been traveling so fast I would have taken a picture. Still, SB, are you sure you're not marrying a graffiti artist? Although the wedding decor will be unique;)

I'm in a wine bar in Prague...One whole wall is old empty wine bottles with their bottom side out-so you can sign them! With a special pen, of course! Trademark that! mBw!
I only wish the guy pouring had a personality:( that's a must at the mBw spots!

1 comment:

  1. remember the book "Harriet the Spy"? she had a little notebook, too. I loved that book. You are our new HtS! Awesome ;) These are my favorite pages, btw!
