Thursday, January 19, 2012

My apartment in Dresden

Let me tell you about my apartment in Dresden...yep, that's right. First of all, I love Dresden. Unlike the train station in Berlin, you have to walk five whole steps outside of the station to be bombarded with shops. Shops of every kind! There is a three story huge baby store, but I walk right on by. I've got to check in my apt., then I can wander! Wow, 12€! Here's the deal....I saw a deal of the day by Jill on Today. A $245 bag for 90% off. It came in pink, it was water resistant (I'm nothing if not sensible!) and it looked like it would fit my iPad perfectly as it was slung across my body! Well, all of those things were true! But it always seemed a little off. The clasp on one of the sides was broken but had been put back together in a different way. It worked, but every time I took a step it squeaked! It didn't seem to do this in KC, but as soon as I got to Dublin, squeak! Happy new year! Big deal, I thought. Until London. I had just been holding the clasp while I walked and that seemed to silence it. But then the adjustment thing went. So it would go from being the appropriate length for a girl of my stature to the appropriate length to a girl of perhaps eight feet in a matter of steps, or just standing still! Ugh! Right here is a pink (!) leather (still practical against the elements) bag, cross-body with a little flapover thing (very safe!) for 12€! I'll take it! Or I would if it wasn't locked up on the display. Here she comes! Three keys later and she's got my bag loose! I decide to ask her and the other woman for directions to my apartment. I pull out my iPad and it's all over. Shrieking! There's only so much I can show them without the Internet. Kelbel, remember when we took that creepy night vision photo of you at Sean's 8-hour birthday lunch? I show them that, then the photo booth app. Now they're kaleidescoping themselves and everything else! Shrieking! This is why I need to be wealthy...I SO wanted to leave the iPad there with them! They were having a ball! They wanted to find Internet service (me too! Baba buy the 4g!) they give me two maps, my new bag and set me on my way;( I can't leave the iPad. According to the maps they've drawn all over on, it's kind of a confusing walk, so I know I'm gonna need to show the address a couple more times. The iPad is best for that because people don't have to read my handwriting and I can make it larger for them, if needed. Now I have bulky backpack and TWO pink bags across my body. Looking gooooood! Ive got to get to my apartment and dump this stuff before anyone sees me! I'm totally moving to Dresden so I've got to build a reputation and then protect it! As I turn the corner I see a huge square (one of my friends has been motioning about something large-no English, so we were just motioning, it worked!) this must be it. And there's music playing! Fabulous classical music! I think it's coming from the Kulturpalast but it's not. It's a cello and violin and there are two men performing in the square;) LOVE Dresden! This backpack weighs nothing! I'm floating across the square! The policeman I ask for directions from (policemen have to know every street, too! Although he's nowhere near as cute as Tommy!) tells me that the street I'm looking for is to the right of the fountain in the next square over. First of all, I love that I will have to describe the street that I live on as "to the right of the fountain". Perfect! Ooh! Pretty church! That's where I'll go tomorrow for Johnny and Cooper! I take a picture, but really I must get to my apartment-I may need to throw a load of laundry in-seriously! I can do that at my apartment! Into the Hilton I go! The concierge decides to walk me to my apartment. Good idea! On the way I tell him that in addition to loving Dresden, I am also a Hilton Honors member. He just smiles. (actually, I am! I wonder how any points I have?) I'm here! Officially! There are cafes, but nice ones, no emmph emmph emmph like the discos in Antwerp. I ring the bell. Helllooooo? It's megan baker;) yes I can see you. Just push the door open and come in.

Seriously? My apartment is in Haus 8 number 5. Tamra! This is SO our apartment;) I wonder if I should have people over tonight because I could! I've got everything here! Well, I only have enough wine glasses for twenty. I have a little kitchen and darling table. Then move into my living room and plop into my random furniture and we can turn on the stereo. Down the hall is a large bathroom. It is a little warm, but feel the towels. I love a good towel warmer;) last stop my bedroom with a nice big closet!

I love it! It's especially perfect if this was the eighties ;) I decide to walk my square. I should say, the registrar said we were right by the church. So if you find the church or the fountain, you'll find me!

I decide to go have a glass of wine and overlook the square and think about what to do tomorrow before I leave for Prague. I find Caffe Piazza Novo. My favorite piazza in Rome has the same name! Fate! The waiter says I can sit anywhere but when I start toward a table he suggests another. He gets the crumb scraper out (sorry, Mandi-it wasn't as scraper-y, more like a brush) then he puts a new linen topper and straightens it until its p perfect. Now I can sit. He's so right! This is an amazing view... All of the square and the church. Now he brings a little pewter candle with a tall taper and lights it-not with that annoying clicker thing, with a real match and sets it beside the flowers on my table. He makes me feel like this about to be the most special night ever. I'll probably dine here all the time-it's so close to my apartment! I could work here. I can see someone still working late at the church-I could totally work at a church!

To the menu...they are known for their pizzas. But he thinks I should get a drink first, well twist my arm!

Bridget, they have a Kir Royal-remember when you fell in love with those at Tavern on the Green with Mom and me? Can you believe that place is gone? My girls would have loved it! We'll find a new spot!
Linda, I see caipirinhas on the drink list, too. Not happening! I did the Champagne Room for you, remember? You probably can't have another turn until Paris:) for me it's a little chianti. A d the Parma pizza. It is so good, so fresh. The chef comes to check on me (of course my darling waiter already has) and I tell him I can see no reason to go to Italy- this pizza is perfect. He just puffs up! He's so proud;)

Across the square is Wempe jewelry. Judy? Could you get me a job there? Its so close to my apartment and you know I love bling;)

Another twirl around my square, look at all the shops! And the church! I'll be there at noon. For now back to the apartment to see if I can tackle the washing machine.

1 comment:

  1. I do not remember the Kir Royal specifically, but let's be honest, anything with Champagne is the drink for me ;)It is sad the TotG is gone. I would love to dress up the girls and take them out with you and Mamo'! We will think of somewhere to take them! Maybe you can make a list of great places to dine with our babies in Europe and, next trip we will take them there together ;) XOXO
