Sunday, January 15, 2012

Theatre and theatrics ;)

Ok, ladykillers-I'm not calling out to you, it's the name of the show! Seriously, I am a blessed girl. Not only do I lovely seat (again!) but I'm seated between the two cutest guys ever! Remy is from New York, I mistakenly thought he and the girl next to him (from Tokyo, see I told you no one is from here) are together. On my other side, Alp. He clarifies that his  name is just like the mountains except singular. If we had one alp as cute as him, we wouldn't need any more! I mistakenly think the woman sitting next to him is his date (I'm obviously very in tune!) but she is his mother. She is so beautiful and young! Alp shows me a picture of his Andrew. Stephen and David? You know how we decided the three of us could be a couple? I'm gonna need the same arrangement with Alp and Andrew! How cute are they! The show is a little long but good. So different than my matinee, just a fun comedy and the "old" lady steals it. Also, as Remy pointed out the set is cool. It's mostly taking place inside her home but the whole thing rotates to show the outside too. Alp is from Istanbul. He's the second person from there I've met today. That's definitely on the agenda! And we'll stay in contact because I know he'll have suggestions!  I love the vibe after the theatre, too. But it's chilly and I'm fighting off a cold-waaaahhh! I'm fighting a cold. Big deal! I'm fighting it in London;)

good morning! I totally have this walk to the tube down. It's scary how I go straight there ;)
This morning was the cutest because theres a string of children (literally! Remember how you'd all hold hands? Like how the kids swing through the art gallery  in ferris bueller's day off?) So  cute in their little coats! I know exactly which ones I'd hang out with because they are being shuushed! Just as I'm walking with a happy thought, another man is too. He is humming a song. His name must be Sean because now the song is stuck in my head! Ugh!  
Love that the policemen still wear those cute hats!
Tkts. Is right in the middle of all the construction. The ticket girl and I agree on at least two things...she should have a nice bottle of wine back there to get through the day (honestly, every time she starts to say something, the jackhammer starts again!)  and the shows should run on my schedule! I'd love to see more....must come back! Or not leave?
Here's how blessed of a life I lead...I duck in Caffe Concerto for tea and end up sharing time and a scone with Isabel. Isabel is a beautiful woman from Canada whose husband was transferred here to London ( sign of the times...the company did not pay for his family-Isabel and Julia to move here!) she's a former ballerina! How cool is that! We're  talking iPads (we both had ours out. Was there life before iPads?) and I mention the blog. I invite her to follow it and warn her as I've warned all of you that the blog may not be well written, but you always know I'm having fun;) we also talk about life. I'm confident that given a few more hours we could solve a lot of world issues, but as it is, I'm just glad to have had the chance to meet her and see her smile;) she's off to get a side table at Zara Home and then pick up Julia. Julia has to be the cutest thing-almost 7! She gives me directions to the Apple store...I meet Karan who's fixed my picture posting issues...every time I get on the tube the doors literally open up right in front of me wherever I happen to be standing...I know! I'm a dork, but I love being me and getting to meet all these amazing people!
Isabel and i talked about how life sometimes hands you different things than what you thought you wanted-its happened to both of us! I share with her that its the reason for the responsibilities so it would be almost selfish not to go. She agrees and that's the thing-I see so many of you over here, it's like you're here with me;) you could take a turn carrying the backpack, though....but I'm backpack free right now and loving the shopping! Still not buying but in my head I've now spent tens of millions, but mostly for family and friends. I would buy almost anything in the antique stores in these arcades...beautiful
things! I even go through a caravan show in the courtyard of St. Paul's. I can't help it! I love to shop! In Zara I'm completely transformed! I'm pretty sure I look just like Kate! I love the home store, too! If  I do the house thing again, I will need to shop here! The place Isabel warned me about is Hamley's. It's a five story toy store! They even have face painting and ice cream out in front! Hankapank, we need this place in our castle, for sure! It would take us days to play with everything! And if we had SB with us, it would take even longer! I know my Ryry and Caitiebug and even my Nona would love it too!  In Trafalgar I go through the gallery. There are lots of street performers out in the square but as I'm walking through I hear one of them shout that it's a "crap crowd". Eghh, I think the gallery will be better. There are a lot of religious  paintings, which I love. Isabel, I saw a painting of a woman with your name! Beautiful! 
Sometimes it's hard to enjoy a drink/not get distracted when there's a picture clearly hung incorrectly. Honestly, they are in sets of four, perfectly symmetrical all around the room except this one! It reminds me of renting my car every week at Avis in Raleigh-the "s" was totally off! Drove me crazy! 
Am I being bombarded by first dates? This woman is telling her first date how horrible her previous first date does that work? 
Uh oh, another first date. He's preordered them champagne. She doesn't care for champagne. I gotta get  my check!  Both of these may go down in flames!
Okay, first date one? He's shoveling his meal in as fast as he can (faster than a speeding SB or Wiese!)  while she talks....wait! She just honestly said " you'd let me know if I was talking too much...I don't know what time it is, but would you like to go have a drink?" seriously? I think I may choke! Or he may.
Second " first date" they're enjoying their food,  just not looking anywhere near each other ;( when I eat alone,  prefer do to it by myself.  This part of the building is clearly an add on. I can see the limestone and I feel it Liam but I think they've sanded it or something, it doesn't feel like its been out in the rain, although at some point it had to have been. in any case, it's very pretty and I can overlook the crazy fabulousness that is the theatre district! I love it. I can't wait to see this show. I have no clue where the theatre is, but it's not nearby. I walk out of the area and grab a cab. Love the cab driver, he moved here from Cork five years ago. I knew it! Hearing his accent takes me home;) the theatre is full-it should be! It closes tomorrow! The premise is about a woman, Jane who writes a letter to the New York Book Review saying she's getting ready to turn 67 in a few months and she'd like " to have a lot of sex with a man she likes" before her birthday.  It's hilarious and enlightening and real. I go  completely American and give her a standing ovation. There are (obviously) other people in the cast and they are great, but she IS this role. How fun! I love that the two girls to my right (from Boston) were trying to figure out what round heeled woman means-I fill them in since I've known weeks now-since Molly filled me in;). I can't think of why we would have been discussing that phrase? Surely we were talking about well heeled and just came around to it! On my left the two women are talking about traveling and telling me to do it now while I can;) couldn't agree more! They say Turkey is a must do! I leave the theatre knowing I've just seen the best thing in London. I love to walk around after though because most everyone else seems to be of that mindset, too! Especially Karin! Karin had just seen Lion King (didn't we LOVE that mom? So long ago!) and she was taking pics and I offered to take one with her in it (I know, Deb! It's us all over again!) we start talking and I have to interrupt her-is she headed for a cocktail? I want to hear her whole story-she's already told me every fabulous place to go and shown me pictures, but you can tell her story is even better! I don't want to be interrupted by the rush of people around us. Wouldn't you know, she knows the perfect spot and we're off to Boulevard Brasserie...she says it's "just real" sounds perfect to me! We have a great table and the staff remembers her from being in pre-theatre....tonight! She's having cider....ok, I'm in! Here's the thing about Karin...she's in love. You don't have to talk to her to know it (although you should) she's just glowing;) her life is wonderful, but she's been through some yuck, just like the rest of us. She's a two time cancer survivor! Now she's engaged to her first love! And he's so cute! They are so cute together! I love it! They'd never gotten each other out of their heads and I can see why. They are so cute and romantic with each other. I want to share some of the stories, but they seem too personal and special;) I can just tell you that if they ever set a date(!) i can't wait to hear about it! Oh and they're Swedish. He designs for Ikea, she's just in London lecturing. How am I so lucky to get to meet people like her! I know I'll never fall asleep. It's not that I haven't done anything today-I'm like a child all giddy from what I did do today;) I love London! But first a cab home as I've missed the last tube....why would they stop running at midnight? I don't! Luckily another girl is asking for directions to what would have been my stop....wanna share a cab? She does and we're off! She's a high school teacher. I love it! Actually she does too! I wasn't a very serious high school student, but I know people who were (and you know who you are!) and I know that the teachers made a huge difference;) what a neat job! I could be a teacher....but I think I'd need to teach younger! Of course when I met my first friend from Istanbul yesterday, she was working as an usher for what she called "rubbish money". But she's said it got her by to do other fun things. I could be an usher...or a theatre manager...ooh! Planning the groups who come to the theatre;) I could do that! Totally not going to fall asleep! 

1 comment:

  1. maybe you could find work teaching English in Europe? We have always known you would be an amazing teacher-to people of any age! But, especially children. Children LOVE you! You always make them feel so special and have such fun with them. Then, there is always Teach for America...hugs! B
