Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Irish Sea

Ok, here I  go across the Irish sea. As I board the bus taking us to the ferry I see a huge ship, the European Highlander. I wish the ferry could be that big....ooh! It is! That's our ship. Granted, a couple of years have passed since I've been on a ferry, but it wasn't this big for sure. I remember being up over the side of it because it was so rough:(  we see a truck loading four brand new ambulances and decide its a good sign! On board there's a little bit of everything-it's like our cruise ship, Trese! I go past the casino and cafe into Poet's Bar. I'm curled into a chair with a drink and some crisps. If it wasn't pitch dark, I could see the world go by. Oh no! I just realized I'm leaving Ireland;( I've got to come back and soon! I love Ireland and I've left so much of it unseen! I'm sad. 
On a happier note, I watch the waiter moving around. It's one thing to be able to wield the bar tray around customers in a bar, it's another when you're in a bar on a ferry! Well done! And you can tell he loves his job ;) I love that a 40 something guy is telling a couple of 20 something guys about how incredible is wife is! Cute! Soon enough that'll brother! Yay! It's harder to walk than you think;) especially with this crazy backpack! It was an easy trip over though. Now to the b&b because it's too late to catch a bus/train to Glasgow. My b&b is across the street-literally. But I still get three offers to drive me. I need the walk, but how sweet is that anyway. Margaret greets me in her brand new polka dot robe-it is nearly 11pm. So I'm at the Homestead, which I used to live near with Margaret (mom, her aunt that she was named after went by Peggy and her Mom by Maggie, but she's always insisted on Margaret, especially when they confused her with her sister, Jane!) she shows me to my room, and around my room and how t turn on the tv and selects a show for me. Her husband is Peter-I know that name is following me! she announces that I'll be taking the 9:30 to Glasgow (make sure I'm on that one, it's fastest and cheapest!) Peter will be driving me no questions asked. I should be down for breakfast by 8:45, she knows what I'd like to eat. If I wasn't tired before, I am now just keeping track of Margaret;) she's sooooo cute! A spitfire for sure. In the morning, Peter knocks on my door to tell me be'll be right back. Ok.  Breakfast is great and Margaret is thrilled that I have a good Scottish name...people were thrilled it was Irish in Ireland, now Scottish...can't wait to get to England where I'm sure it will be English ;) I meet Peter. I think he must be exhausted keeping up with Margaret ;) he's so nice to drive me-it's straight down the road, but neither on of us is going to argue with Margaret. We just smile at each other and get in the car. 
Walking to the platform a woman is watching me-every step. I smile and give her a little wave. She thinks she knows me but couldn't tell behind the sunglasses. I take them off and now she's sure she doesn't. But that doesn't stop us! Am I headed to Aberdeen? No....well she is! You know on the gold line you can have coffee or tea and a wrapped sandwich for no additional price! Tomorrow she turns 80! Shes off to see her son David today then daughter tomorrow. There will be a dinner tonight and a party tomorrow to celebrate. I don't believe it! She first either. She keeps thinking its happening to someone else. Here's how people found out her age...she sings in the choir, has forever. When people ha e asked her age, she'll go get a cup of tea and let the conversation pass. Well, one day she's in the train station and a well-dressed man with a clipboard and a bag full of important papers approaches her. He'd like to ask her a couple of questions about seniors traveling by train (why would he think she's a senior, I wonder). She does the interview. He has to ask her a few questions to get the data correct for the records. Then they ask if they can snap a picture-she's so cute! (today she's wearing this fabulous dark green fedora with a feathered pin-my grandfather would love this hat;) The man tells her to look in the paper tomorrow. Aha! Sure enough two days later there's her picture with her name, Muriel Cameron (her given name is Sarah, but she's always gone by her middle name, she pulls out her ID to prove it (I swear this woman's getting prettier as she ages!) did I get that her son's name is David? David Cameron. It was her husband's name, too. Did I know it's the PM's name? Wait a minute...nope! But she's having fun with it anyway ;)  I wish her a happy birthday and many more. If her train hadn't pulled up we'd still be standing there talking! I love it!


  1. Megan!!! I am soooo jealous that you're still there and I am back at work in Houston! I read your account of our meeting at Blarney Castle - thank you so much for the kind words! It was lovely to meet you and I wish I was traveling with you... well, actually, I wish I was still in Dublin. (Yeah, I met me a real Irishman... witty and funny and completely incredible and I wanted to bring him home with me!) Oh, well, who knows what life holds in store for any of us, right? Perhaps, one day, I will be back in that gorgeous, beautiful country for good and you can come visit me! You drink the pint... (I wasn't a fan of Guinness)- I will drink a shot of Jameson's for you (I was, oddly enough, a fan of THAT!) and tell you "Sláinte!"

    I'm so glad you're having a great time... stay warm and keep writing the wonderful updates!


  2. Meg, your writing is better than Eat, Pray happy and for sure I want to meet all these people you're intice us to want to know them and stay connected. I love that Debbie from Houston is someone you met in Ireland and she's following your you, Mom

  3. Love love reading about your travels!! You are inspiring me to do it again!
