Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Out in Zurich!

I have been debating whether or not to go out tonight. Oops! Did I mention I'm in Zurich? For one, I need to catch up on blogging....I think I'm still in Berlin? For the other, I could save money! Here's how I know it was the right decision to come out and come to this particular restaurant...the tram I needed to take leaves from two blocks away and goes straight there...after getting lost all day, I can handle that! When I get off the tram, I wander-shocker! But there are the most beautiful sops. One antique jewelry store has a beautifully printed sign that says "Sorry We're Closed" I reply "I'm sorrier I don't have the millions I'd need to successfully shop here!" but I can afford to drool! I find the street I need! And just to cement it, I see a girl smoking outside-hooray its smoke free inside! And I pass a ballet store and see the cutest littlest tutus and think of my girls;)
Haven't had a bite and I love it! Here's why...I walk in and the maitre d doesn't make me feel odd for choosing a fondue restaurant to eat in alone (or make me feel odd for eating alone at all-which occasionally happens) instead he sweeps his arms between two tables finally settling on the nicer one, in the older part of the restaurant-perfect! Then comes my waiter. He is darling, twinkle in his eye the whole bit. Would I like to start with a drink? (he hadn't met me;)) I ask about red wine, he suggests Swiss. Thank God. Why would I want to have anything else. It's a very reasonable very yummy Swiss wine. I'm a happy girl! I ask if cheese fondue can be prepared for one...of course! He suggests I start with a mixed salad. Has he been following me? I've been craving greens all day! Not an ordinary green salad it has mixed greens with a really yummy vinaigrette-kinda reminds me of the champagne vinaigrette I made a couple months ago. Very light!

The friends who were holding hands two minutes ago are not practically yelling at each other across the table. Kinda glad they already got their check! Ooh now they're happy again! One has given the other a gift! The table across from them sighs when they leave.

The couple who takes their place is a man from New York and a woman he shrugs off as being European. She's French and very pretty. I'd say they're in their late 60s early 70s. He says Kansas City is a great place to leave. He's never been. Gotta love New York! It's only 8:45 and this KC girl is not yawning in her water glass:) nor does she have a comb over! He is very important and keeps letting his date know. He "deals with" the CEO of McDonalds, his friend is an attorney for Obama, another for Ruth Madoff. Have you ever wondered about that surname? Made off?

Oh I love my waiter! He's been over to double check my cheese and wine and me! In seeing this, The Combover messes with their fondue set. My waiter fixes it. After he walks away, C calls him an idiot. Clearly! How could a Swiss waiter in a Swiss restaurant known for fondue know more about it than him! Now he's pissed that his son is getting married. Why does he want to settle down? And why is he in Afghanistan (serving his country)? C hates war zones. I HAVE to stop listening. He's crazy and pompous. Bummer he's taken. Although, I don't know. I haven't heard the woman's voice since they sat down! She's so going on my prayer list tomorrow! They're both very nice when they leave (she recommends Eat, Pray, Love and Rome!). Yes, I'm still here. For one, I'm enjoying my wine, life, the fact it's not raining inside and the tall blonde has essentially challenged me to stay until midnight when they close! I won't. I'm going to pay the check right now and go home and behave;)
Ugh! This guy should run. He's figured out every reason no one else is good enough. Don't be silly! He tells her about one candidate. Then "I'm a dinner jacket" He's not saying that he's just playing... Ahmadinejad!
He also ends up telling her how expensive dinner will be tonight. Beyyyyyyoooond tacky! I always remember, Mom, that you said Russy never wanted anyone to feel guilty about an experience. Of course, we know, guilt is a wasted emotion!
Ooooooh what can be better than cheese and bread and wine!! It's a rhetorical question! My mother reads this blog, as does my grandmother! Honestly, I can think of nothing better! I'm a happy girl! Happier still that my waiter has no plans to rush! How do you rush fondue? And I haven't had it since 2003! Oh, please! I can tell you where it was and what I was wearing;) this is sooo much better, yum!
I should mention that my waiter is training a waitress. It's odd because he's probably 60-ish,salt-and-pepper hair and a smaller man, she's probably 40-ish and a very tall blonde, the table she's practicing on encourages her to share a drink with them,which she does. Lauren, I remember you doing that at Figlio's on the Plaza when I was dating Billy! Hilarious!

Ahhh, finally a diver down! You have to do that at least once when eating fondue, and when you're eating it on your own, it is your sole responsibility! I've done it, retrieved it, that probably means check please, which is a good thing...who couldn't sit and twirl cheese on bread all night? My waiter is singing;) it's not one of those cheesy (no pun intended) restaurants where waiters do that, he's just happy;) I love it!

As I'm leaving, the maitre d, my waiter and the waitress all wave goodbye, smiling. Love this place! Totally coming back:) outside, it almost feels warmer than earlier. As I step outside I'm immediately at Church. It's beautiful and there's a bridge leading over the river to another beautiful church. I'll take that walk! The chimes in the church I'm walking toward immediately start chiming. Of course they do! What a good sign. The church is locked, but it's 11:45 on a Monday, that's not surprising. Above the door is a depiction of Mary and Joseph and a few others looking at baby Jesus in his cradle. I think they're like any other group of people, admiring a beautiful baby, wondering what he'll do, what he'll become. Of course this makes me think...no candles tonight boys, but I'm holding my rosary sending prayers up for each of you.

I walk back minding the path of the train but enjoying/preferring the walk. This is another great walking town;) And a great shopping town! I decide midnight is the perfect time for me to shop! I can see everything and buy nothing;)


  1. What a wonderful country to be in! Such amazing people: beautiful, fun, healthy, and so nice! Enjoy sister!!! and, for the record, I think I could do wine, cheese and fruit for dinner every night if my caloric intake would allow it!! ;) love you! thanks for keeping us with you on this journey!

  2. Hi Meg! Well I certainly have not held my end of the deal by connecting with you and letting you know how much we love hearing what is happening across the pond. Johnny and I (and everyone) are so thankful for your prayers and the candles you have lit for him. As I lay in bed (now 1am), I picture all of those beautiful candles in this same room with me. The room is filled with brilliant lighting and warmth and it is such a peaceful feeling! Thank you seems not enough so I send the light of all those candles lit through LOVE to guide you on your journey! Let us know if you run across any Gramlich's (peevish and I'll-humored as Chris researched and translated the meaning) while in Germany. Lots of love to you! Val and John

  3. I had a comment in mind but after reading Val's comment I'm teared up and filled with gratitude for you and Valerie in my life...you are both such incredible joy filled women...safe travels and love, Mom
