Sunday, January 15, 2012

Random thoughts 2

Random thoughts 2....ready or not!

How's this for a pick up line..." it's cold out there!" " it is!"
" you know what they say... You're only as cold as the man you're curled up to, so..." wow! (Ireland )

Things I've decided i need:
Waterproof mascara-every time I catch myself in the mirror I look like a raccoon! Liam, I know you said the mist is good for my skin, but not for my mascara!
Short black skirt-I can not (!) wear jeans everyday! Plus, was I taller the last time I could wear a 2? Cuz they are dragging;( I miss my heels! I don't think I've ever worn jeans without heels

Slow service slow bar...I do kinda need silverware...soup is one of those awkward-to-eat-with-your-hands kinda deal. No mind! A little protein and I'm off to hear music-it's sat night after all ;)

Some of the outfits I get to see are amazing! I'd take pics but it's kind of obvious and I can't chase people without my running shoes (read: heels)! This I can say, so far....Ireland and Scotland ladies wear colorful clothes. London brings me back to gray.

Speaking of gray...sorry Molly Beezley, but there are posters everywhere for a new movie The Gray and Liam Neeson looks yummy! ;)

If I though accents were diverse before..I can't understand a word! And I still love it! (Ireland)

Oh, bummer! There is a woman wearing a dress I looked at. Should have bought it ;( so cute! I tell her she looks great.

What is Bill Murray's name in caddy shack? Cuz he's here! Seriously, the hat with foliage the whole crazy look in his eyes, everything!

Adele-jimmy! They're playing rolling in the deep and I can hear you singing it in Kansas city! Miss u guys!

"America is not a country its a cooperation, I mean corporation." okayyyyy....

If you pick my pockets, you have your choice-either used Burt's bees and a cough drop or in the other pocket a rosary-I think you go straight to h-e-double-hockey-sticks if you steal a rosary:( plus my mom gave it to me for the trip and I love having it in my pocket! It's very soothing ;) if its warm, though, regardless of which pocket you pick, you'd get 1/2 of a $1 pair of gloves-lucky dog!

I should send Tommy a fire fighters badge from America....who do we know? It's very big here to have fire fighters' badges, especially behind the bar. Although he did tell me stories about American firefighters just showing up at the house (station) kind of expecting a tour of the city. I can't imagine someone just showing up out of the blue at a fire station...oops! I guess I can, but I wasn't expecting a tour, or a ride :-/ thank God for Tommy!
Btw, Kristin, you asked me if I wanted a Peadar OR a Tommy as a nephew? I bet Wiese knows the answer-both! Silly Kristin! Oh and I'd like a Quinlan as a niece! I'm just getting warmed up;)

The baggy jeans with boxers hanging out is so tired and frankly, we all know your ass is freezing, so pull up your pants! Ugh!

Sometimes when I type, it autocorrects to something I wasn't meaning to say-I know this never happens to anyone else;) what I love is that sometimes it changes "go" to "do". In my mind the "do" is pronounced "dough" and reminds me of seeing my girls very first movie in the theater Puss in Boots. There was a part I thought might be scary for them-two carriages racing each other and the bad guys were shooting guns! I look down to my Caitiebug and Ryry neither seem scared and then my Ryry throws her huge fist (it must be a half-inch wide) in the air and shouts " do horsey do!" yep, not afraid! Btw, girls, Muppets is here in Ireland/UK in February....seriously? That's soooo last year! We saw that in November;) I love my girls!

Here's the thing, I've convinced myself I'm starring in a musical based on my life (I'm sure it needs to be edited and it is in dire need of a choreographer). There is very little original music (thank God!) but some very catchy tunes that we all know and love....most everything is sung by me (i need a chorus to drown me out-please, join in! ) but it's pretty interesting and I continue to get applause;)

Sean and Wiese are getting married! Hooray! I mean we already knew that, but now we have a date and everything;) I can't wait;) no way am I saying the date on a blog! That's all Megan ;)


  1. I love random thoughts, fact that's about all I have any more. Had megan, Sean, Megan's Mom, Mindy with Val, Jihnny and Kristi...all over for dinner last night. Meg found her dress and it is ordered...she seems thrilled...showed pics on her Phone...maybe she can send a pic to will love her girly adorable keeping up with are gone two weeks but it seems much and hugs, Mom

  2. That movie was sooo fun! I hope it is warm in Chicago before you come back to USA so we can convince you to come stay with us a bit. There are sooooo many things the girls want to do with you. Oh, by the way, did you know that you are in the book "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day"? CW told me you were and pointed to your pic. You are one of Alexander's (Uncle Sean) brothers. I don't know where she comes up with this stuff, but it is funny! Also, she is wearing headbands now. Pretty exciting. Ryan still wants barettes but, of course, they don't stay in long. Sometimes because she loves touching them, wants to see them again, and that thin red hair doesn't much either. Love you, B
