Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I could not tackle the washing machine! A-there are four hundred lines of directions and they are very serious, B-where's the dryer? Clean clothes are great...clean wet clothes, not so much! That's okay in a couple days I'll be in Vienna and there's a list of people who will do it cheap and fast, laundry! I could do that job. Any job where I get to meet a lot of people would be fun. But I had such a fun nite I don't care! Actually I get home and pop open the tiny bottle of wine the Marriott gave me and pour it in one of the glasses. I don't even finish it, it's just fun to toast this little apartment and of course, Dresden;) cheers! I fall into bed a happy girl!
In the morning my city looks every bit as I imagined it would, it's so pretty! And the thing of it is, it shouldn't be anything at all after all the bombs that were dropped on it! This city was disproportionally attacked. I can't imagine why. The people are wonderful and the city has recovered and rebuilt even better!
It's another great walking town. The castle and opera house are incredible and I love the walk over the bridge from one end of the city to the other. It's the river I really love. The Elbe. It's gorgeous. It makes me wonder why Kansas City isn't developed differently. All the towns I've fallen in love with so far have had a river running through them (great movie!) I fall in love with the Church of Our Lady. Here I decide to pray for Johnny and Cooper. I light candles and pray in one area of the church,but as I stand up I see there is a separate grotto built into the church. Mary is there and a girl is praying to her. There are flowers tucked into areas of the grotto. In an arch there are gifts to Mary. Since there are all sorts of different gifts of varying "value" I decide this is the best place to donate my boots. They are too big and as such have hurt my right ankle. I looked for someone to give them to, someone along the street and then someone inside the church who may be in charge of that sort of thing but I didn't find anyone. Mary will figure it out for sure!

Now to Prague! Never been, can't wait:)
The train ride is gorgeous...seriously, why don't I take the train more often? I have a whole car to myself...not a compartment, a car. And all the seat numbers are in the 70s! The cart guy comes by...I could be the car girl! I'd probably get discounts on train rides;) Just as I'm thinking what a bummer it would be to live so close to busy train track (or train tracks at all) I notice that most of the people who do have taken complete advantage of it. They've painted beautiful scenery on the side of their homes or named them "Villa Romantica" "Edelwiesse" love it!
We also pass a putt putt golf that looks pretty impressive. I figure SB is there with Jimmy, Bobby and Hank;) no race car track though. Or Hooters!
The German countryside looks just like you'd think it would, and just how you'd want it to. Except for one house...the part where it should be a beautiful creamy eggshell is instead a soft neon yellow...soft like someone has painted over the neon with the creamy eggshell but it keeps showing through.
All of a sudden I see this spire (finally I'm seated the right way-I can see what's coming) that almost reminds me of what you'd see in a Russian picture book (that's right, I said it) and just then they announce that we are in the Czech Republic and will be nearing Prague, or Praha,soon!
A new ticket taker comes by. This is only interesting to me as I hear myself say hello to her almost like my Ryry would. It's like I can't figure out my own accent!

In my next life, I wanna be me! My room in Praha is so cute! It's #5, of course, so Tamra, you'd love it, too! It took me forever to find it...well 2:15 including the cab ride;( but once I'm there and hike up the stairs to U Zeleneho Vena..."Green Garland" (along a green runway, no less) the hostess is soooo sweet! Her biggest concern is how I will see all of Praha in one day. I'm a fast walker, I tell her;) up to the sitting area-darling and into my room. I have a little loft! A big bathroom with a towel warmer (these are addictive!) and down the little flight of stairs to the beds-I'm in a private, mind you, it's just that there are two beds. I plop down on the one that I will sleep in and sigh. Out my window I see two cute young guys working! It's almost 7! Go home! Or go out:) I freshen up and decide to grab a glass of wine. My hostess is so excited that I'm going out! Have fun, but mind your bag. I will. I'm not going too far, I promise. And I don't! Around the corner a couple times and I'm in a big square-well you know how I am...I find an outdoor cafe, tented with heat lamps....did I mention that it's pouring rain and very cold!? I grab a table overlooking the square, wait the waiter says not that one he's right, water is still coming in a little bit. He finds me a better one under a lamp and looking out on my square..wow! I am right in front of THE clock! In two minutes its going to chime! I order the flank steak appetizer thing-it's a steak house, and a glass of red wine-I'm me...I mean it's cold! The waiter comes back over with a warm red blanket and says, "please" not the you-idiot-it's-cold please but the I-don't-want/can't-imagine-you-being-cold kind of please. Really, he looks dramatic, he actually looks like Simanovsky, who I always had a little crush on. Too bad I'm not going to Russia! Well, I don't think I am. The clock chime is amazing! Something tells me I'll be here when it chimes the next hour;) i love my waiter! I'm at El Toro Negro. I know, not original, but great food and my waiter! Wine is served in a small carafe. He manages to find the exact moment when my glass is a little less than half-full and pour! But he's not hovering. I am so moving to Praha! Can't wait to see it in the daylight;) I've ordered the flank steak wrapped in a pancake (crepe). Marshan, you are soooo right about the food here-yum! And the presentation is ridiculous. Ok...so I have the perfect spot to stay, a darling waiter, yummy food, views to die for...
Ugh! Death just walked by. Honestly, a man dressed as death! Or a woman I guess, hard to tell with the hooded robe and mask and scythe. No worries. I can promise you he's not coming for me!
Here come the chimes! (for the second time!) I tell my friend I'm running out to see...remember the tent? I don't think I'd ever get tired of it! It's so fun that the trumpeters do each corner of the tower to announce the new hour! Ooh, I could be a trumpeter! (I need lessons!) I wonder if they get to use an elevator! It's a tall tower, and it looks like the same guy who stands guard on the ground. I've got to go up in it tomorrow! A guy a couple tables over volunteers that the trumpeter is different each night and last night's trumpeter was better-I can't imagine. He's from Boston a d here on business but flies home in the morning. He can't wait to see s.n.o.w. there's a reason he's leaving and I'm staying....ewwwww s.n.o.w.:( he's very nice and working hard to put four kids through college. Ummmm....thanks Dad!
Calm. That's what I'm feeling right now. Actually I've been feeling it all year. SO blessed to be on this journey, however long it lasts.
I decide to look up a church to light a candle and say a prayer for my boys. One that pops up is the Church of Our Lady of the Tyn. Can you believe I can see it from here?! Definitely going there in the morning!

This morning my hostess is humming away. But right now she's humming away to "killing me softly" I gotta say that one makes me sad. I hope she's not sad. She doesn't seem like it, she's had on the same long black sleeveless (?) dress since I got here. She kind of glides when she moves and twirls when she turns. She's long and lean and has to be a dancer! Dancers are happy.

I'm not a big breakfast person, but when it's included in your price, I feel like I should go (hello, Grandpa!) and meet new people. There isn't anyone else here! I know there are other people staying, perhaps they are still asleep. I have one day in Praha, granted its a full day. My tran pulls out at five minutes past midnight! Anyway, there is this roll thing like I had with Fran and Darleen last month (you didn't have it, Brad) except this one is not pumpkin. It's also not as good as your friend's, but it made me think of that fun night;)

Off to explore my new town! Last night I made a prediction that it would be sunny and warm today...70 degrees Fahrenheit as a matter of fact! And the large table of French folks laughed at the thought! I am thinking of you as I dig deep in my bag for my sunglasses;) not only is it sunny, but I can feel the warmth! Hooray! It's not a lot of warmth, though...definitely not 70. But I'll take it! I take off in a direction, what it is I have no clue. But I know I want to go to the old part of the city and I know I want to walk over the St. Charles Bridge. I do both, just not exactly in that order...I walked for about two hours and then decided I'd o a better job with something in my stomach. I stopped in the cutest cafe. My waiter is the nicest guy and suggests a great red wine. Truth of it is, I no longer need my sunglasses and it has turned very cold;( but I walk a half hour more and find the St. Christopher Bridge. It's gorgeous with amazing views of the sections of the city. All along the bridge are statues. The most famous is of St. John of Nepomuk. There are little brass handles that if you touch guarantee you'll return to Prague and your wish will be granted. I should have checked my bag before I ventured out, but I manage to reach them-worth a try, right? By the time I make it back across the bridge and into town, it's time to say goodbye to Prague!

I have checked in for my sleeper car from Prague to Wien. I thought the ticket was confusing-it was but now I've got it down, and a couple hours to kill.....well first of all, there was the cutest older man in the info station. His luggage rolls, but not by design. He has this huge baby blue bag-think retro samsonite...it's on a dolly (two-wheeler for the guys in the crowd) with a rainbow band around it and he's secured with orange straps-like they use when they're moving large furniture. Hanging off of it he has his hat and an umbrella. He is nothing if not prepared! And he's got that older man look about his clothes, like they grew and he shrunk and now the belt is pulling double duty. He's so cute! But I digress! I'm off to a little pub across the street. Its called Sherwood...a shout out to my cousin, Amy for sure! Much to my deeeeelight they have a vh-one kind of thing going on....videos and all! So Suzann Biersmith Jenkins! I have your playlist ready! I don't think my bartender speaks much English, but he is loving the music. I've caught him singing and dancing a couple times. I already have to like him because he made a point of lighting a tea light on my table and no one else's. Now I really like it because when I catch him, he smiles and keeps singing and dancing-signs of a happy person, I tell you!
Okay here's some of your playlist, Suzann, and remember I'll need a copy;) The Carpenters are the first one I hear/see. You cannot deny the talent! Or the groovy jeans! They're singing Only Yesterday. Then Grease! We Go Together! Everyone in this bar is moving and singing! Here's Abba with Thank You For the Music and I've got my Ryry right back by my side! Here's the thing that bugs, you can still smoke in Czech. Remember how they used to have a smoking and nonsmoking section? That's where they are now. I remember it just being a given that you'd go home stinky from a bar...and I'm going to be stinky ;( this is the only country so far where this had been the case. I wonder if they'll ever consider going smoke free? I ask my bartender-he does speak good english (which I'm grateful for later!) he says there are too many people in the department who smoke to change things (department=government) and smoke free restaurants didn't work. It's funny how we all go through the same process. I'm just worried about him and his second-hand smoke inhalation. I've decided he's a much better looking Cane from The Young and The Restless, which I miss (not Cane's story line, he and Lily are so ugh! And Genevieve is so contrived-yes I just claimed something on a soap was unrealistic) I decide to google it later for an update! I don't know what later I mean...there is no wireless in the train station and no charger in the train:( I've gotten spoiled! Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick is on....very cheesy video for a very cheesy song. I ask Cane if this is his favorite, it clearly is;) Madonna is universal! Everyone in the bar is loving Open Your Heart. Rach, the little dancing boy is reminding me of a younger Jack;)
I was just thinking that I could be a bartender! Bridget, you'd have to be my reference. The only problem is that I have no clue how to make any drinks, so it would have to be a wine bar-I know I'm good at pouring wine, I just might dig into the profits.
Ahhhh, the hair bands! Starship is on, are you kidding me!? Next up, Radio Gaga, which is odd after just having seen We Will Rock You. It does remind me, Brian (Reeves!) I saw my first Czech mullet and it was awesome! Lots of hair gel and practically to the butt! It always makes me happy! Well, it always makes me think of you, which makes me happy;)
I cannot hear this sing (Owner of a Lonely Heart) and not think of the movie The Break Up. Remember that guy (John Michael Higgins)who plays Jennifer Aniston's brother in the movie sings it to a homophobic Vince Vaughn? Hilarious! It's the best version of that song!
Some things besides songs are universal, like the f-word. Plenty of them being said here! And the sound a duck makes...there was the cutest little boy in Brugge. I don't know what language he was speaking...does it matter? He kept calling for his mom and dad to look and listen and I'm sure he only asks every other millisecond, so....anyway he sees a duck and when they won't pay attention, he starts quacking like a duck and waddling;) cutest!
Best last song (and also universal-everyone's singing!) Sweet Child O Mine! That concert was so awesome! Thank you, Mike Baker!
Only it's not the last song because Creepy Guy who is seated directly between me and the video screen has decided to buy me a glass of wine. He's initially creepy because I'm being Judgy McJudgealot. He has what looks like two black eyes but is actually two black bags that are tired of holding up all the other bags under his eyes. Sometimes looking creepy does not mean you are creepy. Sometimes, that's exactly what it means. He's the latter. I thank him for the drink I initially refused and off he goes....he's czech, that's what you do. Now he's from America, Florida to be exact.
(Walk Like an Egyptian is on and features, in addition to other things, khaddafi and Charles and Diana!)
Back to CG...he is NOT in the mafia-do you have to say that if you're not? But if one of his clients from Florida calls he's on a plane there right away, in fact he's going tomorrow. It's a lot of money! Is Florida big for the mafia? Have I missed something? He doesn't understand why I don't smoke...what does that mean about me? He was young when Europe came out with this song (sorry, Suzann, I couldn't even tell you what one it is, I'm planning my escape!). He's old but he's good, or so he thinks...big smile here. I look at Cane, he looks at me...Czech please! (Get it?) Bags wants to know why I don't drink beer (I wasn't aware that I didn't). Don't I want to have a beer!? No thank you (I'm doing the hand motion, no thank you and everything) Cane pulls my check. Bags wants to reiterate that the wine was on him. Yes. Thank you. Cane says, "This started out to be such a nice night. I'm sorry it turned bad." yeah, me too. You hang on to CG Bags, I'm outta here;)

Checking in for the train, the ticket taker (I definitely don't want that job, you might have to kick someone off) leads me to the sleeper car I've been assigned to. Its locked from the inside, so i know I've got roomies! He bangs on the door and says in a few different languages "Unlock this door!" Eventually the door is unlocked. He opens it and motions to the top bunk. Ugh! Not great for a short girl. How do I get up? He brings me a ladder. I climb up and instantly wonder how I'll ever get down:-/ the two women in the bunks below me instantly go back to sleep-I know this because the are each snoring their brains out. It makes me think about how much that must hurt! Wouldn't you wake up with a huge headache? I'm not worried about waking up cuz I'm not falling asleep. Ugh! Well it's only six hours. I've got my iPad and the new Marie Claire magazine. I don't think I've ever read it, but it's a good one! The fact that I've bought a bottle of water for this trip is cracking me up. There's no room to extend the bottle enough to drink it;) being on the top bunk is stressful. I can't exactly leave the snore fest to walk around without waking them (I know, where would I walk anyway) and I'm so nervous that I'm going to drop something on one or both of them. I'm concentrating on holding on to the water bottle with one hand and the magazine with the other (in case I do fall asleep, I don't want them to fall) that I miss my jacket which I hear sliding but it's too late! It's slid down on top of the woman in the middle bunk! She didn't wake up so now I'm just apologizing to no one. I reach down between my bunk and the wall and thanks to my amazing wingspan and the fact that we are sardined in here, I can just reach it. I slowly pull it back up! Thank God! I would have felt horrible if I woke her! I know me, I'm going to have to fess up and apologize to her in the morning anyway. Now I know I will not fall asleep. In addition to keeping part of my blanket, pillow, jacket, purse, iPad, scarf and water bottle in my hands I'm trying to keep my feet on top of my boots so they don't fall. And my feet smell;( I regret taking off my boots but putting them back on up here seems an impossibility. I am not tall...(groundbreaking news, I know) how do average sized or tall people deal in a top bunk? Bangbangbang! Nope not my head. It's the train guy. We are pulling into the station in @ 30 minutes and he has our morning drinks. Tea for two of us, coffee for the other. There's a little table against the window. He somehow comes in and sets everything on the tiny table. Middle Bunk looks up and says, I don't know how you'll do this, but she hands me my tea, warning me it's hot. It is! In a flimsy paper cup. And I was worried about a boot falling...how about scalding someone with tea. I move around so I'm half sitting half lying and manage to drink a couple sips so at least it's manageable to hang on to. Middle asks me about lemon. I'm fine thanks so much for being so nice....my coat fell on you! She's laughing. In addition to not knowing (or caring) about the coat, she's not offering lemon. She's laughing because the lemon that lower bunk and I had ordered with our teas is in her coffee! Now all three of us are laughing. It's 6am and we are cracking ourselves up:)


  1. Amazing story telling, Meg...been thinking about you all day so was thrilled to find the Blog....the overnight train sounds a bit awful but your fun attitude makes it sound bearable...love you, Mom

  2. Meg so fun reading your posts. They make e smile sister :). I am here holding RyRy who is getting ready for bed and I read your blog to her and told her all about her aunt meggie and her adventures. She smiled....we love you sooooo much Megan!
    Love, kristin

  3. great description of the old man and his clothes! wow! I sure am glad you got such entertaining bunkmates but sorry no sleep :( Sleep is super important!! Well, I love you and miss you and when you see Nones next she will be walking to you. I returned home from clinical yesterday, (the girls stayed home with B-a gorgeous African young woman they absolutely adore) and Nora walked to me. I pretty much burst into tears. Partly because she got too big too fast and partly because I was wiping some old lady's A** while my baby was taking walking to her newest level. Ryan is still a snuggler and is all about giving kisses-forehead, noses, ears, mouth, chin-she will make sure she has not missed a spot! and CW is in charge of everything. She knows everything about everything and, thankfully, is happy to teach us. Ali got them a tent for Christmas, so that is our front room now and they LOVE it! Come over for a tent tea party!!
