Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Brussels Brugge Antwerp oh my! Hello St. Goar;)

I'm a traveling girl...made a lot a friends all over this world! Today is going to be Brussels, Brugge and Antwerp! Wooooohoooo! Should be fun! Still think I'd be better in heels...seriously, I have a blister! Think of all the heels I love to wear....never! Even the first day I got those cute 5 1/2 inch nude peep toes? I left the house around 6:45 drove and walked all over the glorious state of Kansas, got home about 8pm and nothing. You know me I probably wore them around the house more just cuz they're so cute! Natalie, you have the same ones;)

The bummer about being in Brussels today is that it's Sunday and so many things are closed. I wanted to be a complete tourist and go to the mini-Europe display over by the Atomorium. But it's closed until next week-I guess they're cleaning Europe. The display is cool because it's mini replications of all the big sights around Europe....Eiffel Tower, Big Ben...oh well, do you know what is open on Sundays? Hello heathens! Church! I go to the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula (gonna have to look that second one up!) and I'm just in time for mass! It's in French, but the rhythm of the mass is the same, so I get where we are in the mass:) its gorgeous! At the sign of the peace (it's not as long as at St. Therese Dad:)) you can see the regulars find each other. The organ is ginormous, and what you can't see is the man who climbs all the way up there to play it;) in the pews is a girl who looks a lot like Ashley Meisinger! But she has a little blonde girl instead of a little John. The little girl has, I think, dressed herself, but she looks great! She has every imaginable color of pink on and there's some bling and ruffle in there, too! I light a candle for you, Johnny. It's in front of a statue of St. Michael so you might have to share a prayer with Mikey;) what a blessing to find this beautiful church and then to actually get to attend mass!
On my way to the station I see a little girl going for the Sister of the Year award (never entered myself, but I know a few;)) she's got her hand on the side of the stroller as her dad pushes her baby brother down the sidewalk. You should see how hard and far her eyes roll when he gets one of the wheels stuck! (i want to hear my girls say "stuck") Ooh the disappointment in her face! He finally fixes it. She reassures the baby (who seems to have been oblivious to any of it) takes a deep breath and on they walk. You can see she's still not totally confident in him....her grip on the side of the stroller is like steel! I find the cutest kids everywhere!
Off to Brugge! Going down the escalator into the station, there's a little boy ahead of me with a Payton-like laugh;) he thinks the escalator is hilarious! It kind of is, if you thnk about it. The ticket taker person comes to check tickets and comments on this man's picture on his train pass...he turns purple! I love it, so does she! Love on the train;) It's a quick train trip and it's so nice to get out of the city (soooo much graffiti) and see the hills start to roll by. I see a woman walking around a little lake with a pram and it makes me think of Ggpa walking Caitiebug and Ryry when they were so little. What was he showing off more, his two beautiful great granddaughters or his long legs? ;) When we pass St. Peters there at the station are literally thousands of bicycles! Not to rent...individual's bicycles! Bill Poindexter, you should live in Belgium everyone bikes everywhere! I consistently sit the "wrong way" I'm always watching it go by instead of seeing it come toward me! It can make you a little dizzy;-/ Oh well, sometimes it's nice to say goodbye. Hello! Brugge is here, and Sheila you're right, it's just so beautiful! It's exactly how I remember it! I'm just missing my friend, Julie who was here with me last time. I'm laughing going over a little bridge thinking that last time we were here, we went on to Luxembourg where the bridges were supposed to be the most beautiful and we nearly lost our lives taking pictures of those bridges-those cars came fast! Anyway, Brugge! I love the canals and the bikes bouncing down the cobblestone, the horse-driven carriages....love it! I've picked a little house for me;) it's freezing so I find a tea room that's open. I drop the backpack and settle in by the fire-perfect! As he sets the menu down in front of me, I see the big "M" written in a beautiful script...obviously I'm where I'm supposed to be! I order tea and a waffle with chocolate-hey, when in Brugge! In my view I can see the beautiful green square...two geese playing peacefully...and a little girl feeding one of the horses. It's not her job, in fact the horse doesn't look like he wants to eat, but her little mittened hand is out flat and she's adamant. Thank God the horse eats, because she reminds me of my Caitiebug and "no" won't (and shouldn't) be an acceptable answer! They just played "ain't no sunshine when she's gone" now it's "Danny boy" love them both! Danny boy is being sung by a woman, but it should be Jim Fitz! I send a thought Danny's way;) There's a baby at the table across the room;) oooh she is so cute! She has Stella cheeks;) a Payton and a Stella in one day? Life is good! This baby is very happy. The four women just pass her around and she just smiles at everyone....love!
First of all the waffle is amazing! Now to walk it off! As i step outside, i see why there was an "M" on the menu and why i lived that tea room-its called Maximillian! Perfect!now I've had my Max here, too! And right outside is a little bridge with a statue of St. Elizabeth;) another one of my favorite people;) Most of the nicer shops are closed, just the souvenir-y ones are open. Perfect! I'm a window shopper anyway! In one window I see those darling little wooden scenes where you light the candles on it and it spins around-we had one growing up, so cute! And Bridget they have darling nativity sets;)

Now on to Antwerp. I've never been! They have these lovely glassed in rooms on the platforms. They remind me of the boxes in the airports for smokers. This is just the opposite. It's warmer in here and nooooo smoking;) a group of Americans come in. After a who's on first kind of conversation, we get to why they are here-a global insurance conference! They work for Cigna. I remember how wonderful Cigna was to work with when I worked for March of Dimes-I loved that job;) uh oh another guy in the box/room is from a different insurance company! Ohno! We're all laughing about the possibility of a full on insurance brawl:) We all end up sitting in around the same spot. Just as my stomach is turning from hearing terms like "soup to nuts" and "database capability" the ticket taker comes by. This is first class. Bummer! I get up to move like everyone else, but the ticket taker tells me to stay put....bye;)
I'm in Antwerp! When did I think I'd be saying that? It's pretty nice out, perfect for a short walk from the station to my hotel! But that's not exactly what I'm in for:-/ actually, I don't mind it. It's nice to stretch my (very long) legs. I also get to walk through a very large Hasidic Jewish community. Very large. Not a lot of smiling,but they just may wonder why the heck I'm smiling and where I'm going. I'm starting to wonder, too! I stop and ask for directions and I'm back on my way. At the convenience store Abba was playing. Now I've got it stuck in my head. I'm ready to burst out singing! So I say thank you for the music! I think of my Ryry when she was just home from the hospital. Did she weigh about four pounds then? She grunted constantly-I wanted it for a ring tone. We couldn't believe all that noise came from her tiny little body! And the legs....always moving, still are! Yep, Ryry you definitely learned how to dance long before you could walk. My little Radio City Rockette! Where was I? Actually there's a huge square and my hotel is right on it! Sometimes people do a great job with their description, but fail to deliver. May I introduce Hotel Antwerp Billard Palace (that's right! Palace!) the man slides open the partition to register me and smoke billows out. Ugh! I am a self-admitted complete baby/brat about smoke. Always have been, always will be. I ask if my room will be smoke free. He's not sure, he's trying to think of who stayed in it last night and what he was up to. Riiiiight! I'd like to say it gets better, but...he gives me the "key" it's like a jump drive one ring and also on the ring is this circular puffy kind of thing. Dad, it reminds e of he keychain you had in the seventies that you pull the circular part out to put the keys on? Anyway, for this you wave it in front of the dial in the elevator and then pick your floor. The jump drive is to get in the room. Very important! Very important! When I get inside the room put the jump drive thing in the wall to turn on the electricity. Very important! No kidding! It's a small room and unlike I was promised it does not have it's own toilet. And I can tell you what the guy who was in here last night was doing...he invited 84 of his friends and they smoked all night;( bleeech! I'll open a window, oh no I won't. Ok, plug the iPad in and get online to figure out more fun things to do...not getting a connection. Well I'll check out the ladies room. Here's the think, that little jump drive? Once you unplug it, the world goes dark. And the hallways? Motion activated. This will be fun! Open the door, wiggle around, lights on, grab jump drive thing, off to the bathroom! Overall decision? Spend the least amount of time possible in this room! So I charge up the iPad a little and head out! I'm not sure this is my scene....I love the Christmas trees still lit in the square but I'm not feeling the creepy discos. Aha! Rising from the distance, it's Kelly's Irish Pub;) but just beyond it? A movie theatre! It is golden globe time and theaters are smoke free! Wow, I'm old! Nothing's starting for awhile, that's okay, I've got awhile! Out the other door I go and find Brasserie Gustav! Now I've just got to be careful not to spend the money I saved on the palace here at the restaurant! The woman who seats me is very pretty but does not smile :( I always wonder what's going on:( I try not to smile as much, but when my waitress comes, she's all smiles! She's very pretty to, but when she talks to other people in the restaurant, employees or patrons it's all smile (reminds me of Karin!) she teases me about speaking English, gives me the pass code for wireless and says "google translate" I love a great sense of humor! Now we're google translating all sorts of things! I have a lovely meal and now I'm headed back-noooooo! To the movies! Unfortunately, not much is playing. The girl behind the counter says if I let my mind go to zero, there's one just starting. Paigey, this is not your husband's best work. It's called The Changeup and has nothing to do with baseball. On the plus side, I think Ryan is adorable and Jason Bateman is too! And it's smoke free;) now its after midnight. Back to the palace! When I get to my room I can't find the remote control for the television;-/ do I dare go down and ask for it? SB the registration guy looks like Krebbs, isn't that his name? From Simpsons? I dare. And I arm myself with the flashlight app on my iPhone just in case the lights go out in the hallway (which they tend to do-if you need to go somewhere, go! Quick like a fox! Hello Jeff and Jody! Sorry about your packers! You too Dan!) the thing is the cleaning lady took the key that had the Internet password on it and the remote control is 10£. Seriously? You'll be shocked to know that I got the code and the remote, no charge. Back in the room, it's CNN, the only channel in English. The cruise ship is still being searched:( horrible story and I have a feeling it's going to go on awhile. I'm grateful for a smoky room vs a watery grave. Nonetheless, I will not be touching this bed. I sleep in my clothes with a towel over the pillow, oh wait, I've got sweater that can go over the pillow! Perfect! Goodnight! Are you shocked that I'm not spending more time in Antwerp? Do you know me? I'm headed to St. Goar. I know it's supposed to be for summertime, but beautiful is beautiful right? It's only four trains away;) and I love the trains! They are so easy! On one of my trains I'm getting a little concerned. There's one male ticket taker. He goes into the little ticket taker compartment in one fell swoop, removing his hat at the same time. It's a tiny compartment, I can see it all from here. A place to hang his ticket taker machine a hat a coat, that's it! I know, not very fascinating, although he's very dramatic about the whole thing, like he's on stage-this is my musical! The next thing I know, here he comes again! I never saw him leave the compartment, never really even saw the door close! Ok! I've got my eye on you now! Is he a magician? Ooh! Is this the orient express? I never do figure it out, but I swear he winks at me while I'm trying! Next train, I think. No. Yes. Well? Here's the scoop three Russian men and an American woman (where we're you, Trese:)) we will figure out if this is the right train! I love it! The three of them are jumping in then out, I'm jumping in then out, none of us can figure out if this is the right train. We walk to each other with the universal arms out shoulders shrugged only to find out we don't speak the same language. We figure it out anyway and all four of us collapse into seats inside. It's the right train! I bet we could have done away with the whole Cold War thing given a chance! Aaaahhhh, St. Goar! You are beautiful! And dark! And freezing! Out of nowhere comes the cutest puppy with a pink leash (that seems to be working overtime). Attached to the puppy is Michaela. She introduces Emma. Emma is a very happy, friendly little dog. Michaela does dog rescue. Emma needed a lot of love and medical attention so she thought she'd take care of her until she found a better home for her, but she's never found a better home for her (hello Kris! Hello Britt!) anyway Emma is taking Michaela for a walk (yep! That's how I meant to say it!) along the way Michaela mentions that her boyfriend is in love with Emma. I say how fortunate you could bring them together! She said she often thins she may be the third person in the couple;) She also mentions that he woman I'm checking in with, around the corner, talks a lot! (that's a compliment, right?) and doesn't speak much English, but that wont stop her from speaking a lot. I like her already. She knocks on the door and does the introductions ( well, Emma didn't need to be introduced-she's a popular girl!) this place is darling! I'm instantly grateful that there's another woman here, too! They run the place together. That way someone she is chattering to understands her. Even without understanding German I can tell they're wondering which room for me. I can understand the numbers. They settle on number two which is my favorite number (love the even thing!) and off we go up the staircase! Well, not quite. I seem to have forgotten how much cash I had and they don't do cards except in the summer. (What is it with this summer thing?) Out into the cold;( to the bank! The funny thing is that in order to get to the ATM, you have to insert your credit card into the door. No charge, it just opens it. I guess to keep random people out. But my card does not open it. This is where my musical set is especially cool! I went in the front door to check in. We went out the back door to the ATM. She's a I down the steps to the back door to get her credit card to open the bank door. We're in, we've got the money (yep, we're in the money!) back into the back door to get key number two and up through a separate door to the rooms. Bridget, you know someone who can build this set, right? You're too busy to do it! With all my nieces and nephews;) actually, Izzy, you may know someone! Izzy used to produce online and other home improvement shows in Canada! Yep, Oh, Canada! (someone needs to edit the musical numbers!) room 2 is darling and I look out over the Rhine! What more could I ask for? No they don't have wifi. Their answer is accompanied by this look like smelling bad milk+ being mugged+huh? No worries! I'm going completely old style getting out the maps and the rural timetable and, wow! I have an itinerary! I know! I can't believe it either! I'm sure it will change but it looks like a float down the Rhine tomorrow followed by a train to frankfurt on my way to Berlin. Berlin-Dresden-Prague overnight to Wien overnight to Zurich-Interlaken-Geneva-Rome-Florence-Venice-Milan! I've worn my tiny little swollen brain out! Makes me wonder which one will fall apart first? Oh well, I never mind a reroute! You meet the most interesting people that way;) Im feeling pretty smart and am off to brush my teeth. Ow! I guess the cover to my disposable razor has come loose and I've just shaved a little bit off my fingertip! Ow! Not feeling quite as smart now, thank you! goodnight!


  1. a)oooh! I remember the one with the tiny red candles that made the camels spin around! I am pretty sure I thought that was magical when we were little.
    b)We just switched to Cigna (pre-reading this post but in support nonetheless)
    you may appreciate this little story: CW is definitely cut of your cloth, dear sister! today, she found a hard hat and put it on. I said, "off to work you go!" and she looked at me like I was crazy and said,"no, Mama. THIS is a PARTY hat!"

  2. DOG RESCUE! you could TOTALLY do that, too!!
