Saturday, January 7, 2012

Perhaps I'm a Galway girl after all

Perhaps I'm a Galway girl after all!

Where did I leave off? Oh, yes. American boys. I should say, I love American boys! But ugh can we be obnoxious! And these two were! Fortunately, their friend, Ken is Irish (from Clare) and very nice.  He buys me a pint and apologizes for his friends. Ken is kind and we have a good chat but the boys are too much for me. So I head out. And thank goodness! I go to An Pacan and there are two men playing instruments and singing Irish songs-just what I was looking for! I find what I think is the only available seat at the bar and get a Jameson. I wish I could tell you the name of the man sitting next to me but as many times as he says it, I'm not understanding it. He wants to know if he can sing a song to me. I think he's going to sing it from his seat...nope! He goes to the "band" and asks for the mic. I'm worried because this man does not seem all there. Oh my God! His voice is amazing! And it's A Capella! I have no idea what he's singing but it's great! Wow! The guy one down (Paul) is amazed too. He's been rolling his eyes at me and this guy.  He's a footballer from Dublin over in Galway for business. Football is his hobby. Ladies....he is not unattractive, in fact he's yummy.! And even as he's rescuing me from no-name-beautiful-singer I'm wondering how I can't combine the two into the perfect man-a good looking singer! An unfortunate/fortunate thing happens...a mom and her two DARLING daughters approach to also sing at the microphone. The girls I'm going to say are 8 and 12-the 8 year old is soooooo embarrassed yet when it comes time for the three of them to sing, hers is the loudest voice. They're beautiful! But the no-name-beautiful-singer can't stop talking...He'll grow on me, I'm lovely, he's a good listener (not from where I'm sitting) please consider him.  Now I feel horrible:/ I thank him for the 82nd time and pray that he'll stop kissing my hand and ordering me drinks. I finally get the bartender to agree not to pour any more (noname has had to drink the last two he's ordered)  and Paul whisks me away, but not before I thank n.n.b.s. one more time. On to The Skeff we go.  Paul is very tall. On our walk across Eyre Square, Paul tells me there was a bar still right next to him so he's wondering why I didn't sit there.  I'm I clueless about bar etiquette? I thought a coat over the top of a seat signaled that the seat was taken? Oh well. Paul is congratulating himself on saving me. I'm asking him what took so long! Anyway, he's darling and so much fun (I can't stop feeling guilty for the other guy tho) as last call is announced we are deciding on outer order. I'm going smithwicks , Paul disagrees but orders me a yummy new version-smithwicks with a Guinness head! Might be my new fav;) love this country! Total Galway girl.


  1. Meg, hoping comments are showing up...just saw your Serendipity B and B on FB and then found it on the Bing map...northern Ireland...never made it there..will be fun to hear your thoughts on it. Love you! Mom

  2. Can we see a pic of Paul? He sounds like quite a gentleman! ;) Except for the fact that it is never never a bad time for a Smithwicks! I miss you and love you, Meggers! xoxo, B
