Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Catch up with me! I'm in Derry;)

Wow am I behind! So let's say I'm in Derry.  This was an unexpected trip...I thought I'd go to Belfast but I took a suggestion from Paul, and here I am. Now looking at the map of places to go/people to see that he's written out for me on a beer mat, I might be crazy;) but isn't that the point? I think so! Derry is so fun. I walk all over and think its easy to figure out. Now to my b&b...hmmm. You know where a good place to ask for directions is? A fire station. They have to know every street! Lucky for me, Tommy McCaul is just finishing his shift. Instead of giving me directions he throws my backpack in his boot and drives me to the b&b! The name of it? Serendipity. I should say so;) then he gives me names of places to go for a pint complete with a code as to whether or not they'll be playing music tonight! Also an invitation for a bite to eat tomorrow night at the station. I love this country! I check in with Stephen and yes, he reminds me of you, Stephen Powell! He agrees with Tommy's list;) I know the place for me is Peadars that name keeps following me. It's pronounced something close to potter but with a d and u in it (Bridget I know you've already got it down!) I like it so much, I had Tommy say it a few times;) I'd like a nephew with this name-Sean, Megan, Kristin, Bridget...are you listening? 
First a bite to eat-well soup anyway. I duck in Flaming Jacks-hi dad! Cute place! I find a little snug and order. Slow service. An older man cuts in front of me to order and what do you know...the keg he's ordered from hasn't been changed and he'll have to wait. Oh karma! My keg is good, and my soup (eventually!) is too, but I can't wait to get to Peadars! I'm a sucker for the music! I wind my way around to the band. Hooray! They are singing as well as playing! I wish I knew the words to every song, but God is taking pity on people who can hear,so I'm not singing;) oh no! Now I've got another one on my hands! He also introduces me to his friend, who he claims is the oldest virgin in Derry. I suggest he make a movie about it-Mandi, let Paul know;) I say that I can't accept a drink but I'm given one anyway and just then a seat opens up at the table with the band! Love it! And to make life complete, there's a tin whistle (actually he has a whole set of them!) and a bagpipe! My two favorite instruments! Finally! Michael Rudd, you are here;) and you're having a ball! I can't believe this man can play the tin whistle-his hands are huge! But he's very good! Ansel sings and plays guitar (hello Chapins!) and two girls on violin. I could stay right here for the rest of my life!
Good morning, Derry! I head to my walking tour. Garvin is our guide and he's a great one! He says he's very proud of his wee city, but he doesn't have to say it, it's written 
all over his face;) again, I'm wishing I could retain all he's sharing (but I'm remembering the plaster, Liam). we go up and walk the walls. It'd be hard to live here and not walk them everyday. Garvin says women often do-a fit walk.  And a great place to bring a sandwich for lunch!  The famous cannon is the roaring meg-perfect! In fact it may start roaring again! They're looking to sound it every Saturday at noon! I just think it's a great name ;) also Garvin says this is where the term cat walk originated. He sashays as he tells the story and encourages us to  as we head toward the murals, one catches my eye. It's of a girl in a school uniform-she reminds me of Bridget. It's actually of a 14 year old girl named Annette, who was the first child killed in the troubles.  As beautiful and fun as this town is, it's sad. There's still the division of Protestant and Catholic.  At one point we see a place where a statue used to be, but the statue was of a Catholic leader and the Protestants blew it up. But now there seems to be a dominant number of Catholics. Ugh will it ever end? I walk the peace bridge-a much nicer end to the day.  And I hope one day they do have peace. 

Wee is a huge word here;)

Now I'm off to Glasgow....or so I think ;) I take a bus to the train to the ferry-every type of transport available! But Glasgow is not to happen tonight!


  1. Wow, Meg I need to check on the location of Derry...it sounds so interesting and fun" I know from FB that you are in Scotland...you're not just on a walk about...I think it's a runabout....be safe and keep up the fun...we miss you and love you, Mom

  2. what name for your nephew? Tommy or Peadar? you are funny, aunt megan. CW was talking about you today as she got a chocolate chip cookie from Kiki after dinner. She took bites, waved it in the air proudly and announced to us all that it was hers. "Aunt Megan makes Caitie cookies!" she yelled. how does she know already that you are the very best cookie maker? Ryan is refusing to wear pants. she will either insist on a skirt, or insist on nothing. yup! nothing. makes her long skinny naked legs running to answer the door a bit awkward...but she doesn't seem to mind, and with that tiny of a rear-end, who would ever notice? love you!
