Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm taking the train to Edinburgh , it's a short one, maybe about 90 minutes. All the books, people etc say Edinburgh is better than Glasgow....cooler history, more fun people....hmmm, I had a ball here, but ok! Off I go! 

I don't think my b&b is very close, but it's straight down Leith walk and I can't miss it! Ugh! Why do men keep saying that to me? It's like the kiss of death directions-wise. I keep walking, he said most of would be downhill and it has been! The backpack is practically been pushing me along. And looking up its just so cool to see these centuries-old buildings! Even with the more modern storefronts. As nice as it is walking downhill, I don't see anything that says Leith Walk. Bummer. I step in a bank and meet Anne Smith at the teller window. I explain that I am (as is typical) a little lost but I'm loving walking around her city. She loves it too. And guess what? Just because it says ten million other names, I am actually on Leith Walk! And I'm blocks from my turn off! Shocker! How fun is that! My b&b is so cute, it looks ancient outside but is perfectly modern inside, I even have a tiny little marble bathroom! Plop on my bed (cute herringbone print, btw)and decide to catch up on my blog-it's hard work, you know,especially after I've kissed the Blarney Stone;) I've learned another word, blether. It was a word used to describe the atmosphere in a cafe I went to (oh yeah! The soul cafe in Derry!)it means chin music or idle chat...I love it! I'm gonna need that word, I just know it! I may meet someone prone to it;)

Ok, here's the truth I've been craving a burger (or a steak, but I'm sooooo frugal! Haha!)  I figure if I'm gonna have a burger, I should go somewhere meaningful, historical, even. No McDonald's for this  girl! Especially if there not owned by a certain you-know-who's family! I head to The Sheep Heid Inn...I walked the first however many miles, but the rest of it is not very walkable, especially if you're a tourist. I take the cutest little black cab the rest of the way up the old winding streets onto the causeway;) it's so cute! I spot a small leather wing back by the fireplace and know its perfect for me! But first, the famous burger and something to wash it down with. I can't decide what beer...this place has been serving people for six centuries, so surely I can find something! Brian gives me a taste test...Taiphoon (lemon grass-y)...Midnight Bell (darker, chocolate-y Brian says)...Natural Blonde (the boys at the bar agree there's no such thing)....I settle on a local IPA Deuchars. 
It turns out the waitress is also headed to London tomorrow! How random! She's from New Zealand and her sister lives there. Perfect;) I love that in an old pub founded in 1360, the men are talking about Facebook;) and skype, but they all agree face to face is best! Me too! I settle in by the fire as my fat free burger arrives. And now two ladies come in straight from their Zumba class they meet up with the boys at the bar and the flirt of the group is thrilled! New people to entertain! He's so sweet, before I sat we were talking about his nephew and my nieces;) there could be a match there for Ryry or Caitiebug or even my Nones, who knows!

Now the girls have joined my table:) they've been friends for years and on several holidays together. They cannot believe I'm traveling by myself and say they never could-I seriously doubt that! These two have tons of spunk!  They are a riot! We talk about Americans (f'd up and self-centered is one view, we do spend a lot of effort talking about ourselves, but it's the fact that we aren't globally aware as we could be, we listen to local news...) I love getting thoughts and ideas from other people . They're not big fans of David Cameron, but I know they'd love my friend, Muriel! They laugh that shes got the same surname;) I'd better pay my bill if I'd like a ride home. I can't imagine driving me all the way back there, but no problem! What a nice surprise when my tab comes-Bruce the Flirt has purchased my pint! Thank you! And now I'm a little embarrassed because his birthday is tomorrow, I should have bought him a pint! Ugh! What another fun night!  

Well today's tour is not exactly my cup of tea-I miss Liam and Garvin! This is s scripted tour on a double decker bus that's recommended  by every book/website I've  looked up. My favorite site is Holyrood Castle. I has my flag raised so you knew I was there. Didn't you see it? Pink! I jump off and look for Claire's friend's spot. Of course the second person I ask used to work there!  I walk perfectly to it;) Cadenheads! I'm thinking of my friend Cade that I used to live across the street from;) but he should not be drinking whiskey! Claire and her friend (who is not here, even though I don't know him name I know he's not here, bummer!) have recommended Campbeltown. Perfect! An area of Scotland I haven't been to and it's not quite as potent as some of the other options;) I have a sample. He tells me to look at it and smell it before drinking it (hello, Liam! Using all my senses here!). Then he's going to add some water so I can appreciate the difference-reminds me of one of your Russy stories, Bridget ! He also compliments you, Sean on your taste in McCallan, which I know has some influence from Chris Gramlich;) so this swig is for you two!
As I wait for the tour bus to return, I realize all my girls need (not want, need!) kilts. But true to my word (yuck!) I don't buy any. Mostly because I can just see Braveheart being reenacted by my sweet little nieces;) I do hear thunderstruck a la bagpipe which makes me think of Vince O'Halloran and friends! Hilarious rendition! 
I've  got to catch a  flight to London! How cosmopolitan am I? Don't answer that;)

Ok mom, if you were here with me and we had a wee bit if time (you can't make fun if me, I hear the word every other, plus weren't you the one writing in brogue;)?)  what would you do? Spot of tea overlooking the city? Check! I'm headed to London tonight. I can't wait to see what shows I'm able to get into! but first a proper goodbye to Scotland. It's so beautiful and such lovely people even the guy in the daprtment store who "loves the cowboys" ugh!, I probably should have stayed longer here, too. But I've got so much to do! And as the bus pulls out for the airport, the trees in St. Andrew Square light up! Well done Edinburgh! I'll be back to visit:)
Driving away,past Ryan's Home Store (ooh she's busy!) I love that's there's a constant rush of people, like any other big city but I want to scream look up! This place is amazing! 


  1. Hey Meg...snow today in KC so a fire and a little wine and Chinese with Dad. Edinburgh sounds fabulous...can't wait to hear about England. Mary wants you to meet a friend there so hope you and aunt mary connected. Love all the stories. Megan Wiese's mom in town this wkend for wedding dress shopping..excited to meet Meg's Mom. Wedding is August 17th at St Peters...hugs

  2. I loved Edinburgh when we were there. One of my favorite cities! So glad you are having such a great time!

  3. Don't worry, Meg, we will find kilts for all three when you return ;) Little Betty is just getting over Pneumonia (yuck!) and Nones has her tubes ;). They all went sledding for the first time yesterday and K took pics. I was at a 13hr clinical and receiving the pics at work was so fun, but bittersweet for not being there. CW loves the snow and could be out there all day. Ry loves it, as long as it doesn't get on her outfit (or gloves!). Nona will go anywhere the action is! We love you and miss you. Keep having fun and see everything!
