Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day two already/still?

This day seems to have come so fast and yet I feel like I've been in Ireland forever. It is like coming home! And last night I SLEPT! I had been so excited to come that I hadn't had a good night sleep in forever. Thank you Ireland ;) Today I walked throughout Dublin inevitably ending up at St. Patrick's again. How can you go wrong in a place where people have been praying since the 1200s? I'm so amazed walking around Dublin to see the age of things. I love knowing how many people were here before me. It reminds me and that someday Hank, Ryan, Caitlin, Nora and nieces, nephews and godchildren-to-come will be here. I am completely in love with the children of Ireland. I know I love being around children period,but these faces are so beautiful! And so happy;) and the outfits are darling;)
As I was walking along the water way, I was loving the smaller houses with tiny gardens in the front thinking I'd live here in a minute! Just then I see a huge goose! Just by himself showing off his wing span (it may be greater than yours, Kristin!) then I see another larger nicer home and a dog inside calls to me, I believe in signs-Dublin may be the place for me! I'll work at marks and spencer run in St. Stephen's Green and live in this darling house with a dog! I'm pretty excited until I see dozens of geese straight ahead. Maybe that wasn't such a unique experience? Oh well. The geese are gorgeous and I'd love to pet one but I should keep both my hands at this point. 
I run to marks and spencer to grab a little something for the journey to Cork. I've got a little hostel booked there for the night. Waiting in line for the bus, I of course meet a wonderful man from Cork headed home after spending the holiday in Dublin. Holiday? Oh yes I guess we did have one! What's today? We talk about Americans love for Ireland and he claims it's quite mutual. He warns me that I will experience all four seasons every day that I'm in Ireland. (I'm looking forward to summer!)  Anyway, charming guy who had done construction work, but when things quieted in Ireland he went to work in Germany. He now has a 12 year old daughter who lives in Germany. They talk everyday and he visits often but I can't imagine how difficult that must be. (of course it makes me miss hank and the girls) he recommends a movie to me that was filmed in Ireland "Ryan's Daughter" an old movie but one he loves  in spite of Robert Mitchum being  in it. He claims that Americans came to Ireland simply because the scenes in the movie were so gorgeous. It's officially on my list!  In fact , if I can get better more consistent  wifi  I will download the film for one of my train trips! 

This is a longer bus trip, but it left earlier than the train, gets there about the same time and costs 47 euro less! Works for me!the bus trip is easy and relaxing. Valerie, I see a definite need for your invention here! I'm also wondering if you'd like to add some sort of contraption that allows you to sleep without your head going everywhere. I'm awake but I'm convinced that I'm going to have such a crick in my neck watching the guy two rows ahead who is completely asleep with his head hanging out and back into the aisle-ow!

We make one stop for a little bio break. Our driver says we have fifteen minutes, it's cold and rainy so even the smokers are back in faster. The driver comes back to a girl behind me-didn't you have someone with you? Grab him and let's go. I've a game tonight! 
Now I know why he was driving so quickly through these winding roads;) he's found and we are off! Every bus has been early! Complete change from last time I was in Ireland. 

When we arrive  in Cork it's dark and misty. I had been sent a confirmation email from my hostel (Kinlay House) so I opened it and was able to find it easily by referring to it on my iPad as I walked along-gotta live technology when it works! It's a fun climb to the hostel and I've got my own room- with bunk beds! How fun! I unstrap the backpack and plop on the lower bunk. One of the nice things about being petite is that even in this little space I can stretch my legs and back easily! Enough of that! The wifi isn't working so I need to go somewhere it is working and perhaps have a cocktail, but definitely organize thoughts for the blog and ideas for the next steps of the trip. Market Lane is still serving. Their menu looks so amazing, but I'm not that hungry. I get a glass of prosecco (I just recommended it to my grandmother, so in my mind I'm toasting you for a happy new year, Grandma. I hope your progressive party was fun!) and I order a little tart made with goat cheese and sweet potato with lambs ear-so yummy! I leave before I allow myself to be tempted by their amazing dessert menu, although most tables have delved in and it looks good! Now I dig into getting organized....need to go to Blarney tomorrow and possibly on to Killarney. Ring of Kerry? County Clare? Irish music? I'd say now! 
Uhoh....there aren't a lot of options for music tonight. Enough with this holiday business already. But now it's pouring rain! I think there's a pub with music near my hostel-then i'll e halfway home! Good decision! The pub is Pat Buckley's. By the time I get there I'm a drowned rat and could care less about music. Maybe just a warm place to dry off before heading the rest of the way back. Guess what? I found more! Walking in I'm greeted by a beautiful woman named Helen who thinks I might look a little damp. I squeeze out the tip of my wool hat to confirm it.  The group in the corner is giggling about my luggage tag on my iPad bag/day pack. Yes, I tell them, it is to remind me of my own name and my phone number in case I need to call myself. I think I might need to have a pint with these folks before moving on. The beautiful blond woman in the bar is Kyra. She's married to Helen's son, Keith. As with most people she's interested as to why I'm traveling by myself and long I'll be on holiday. I'm wondering too. 
We've both sold software, so theres one similarity. AND we've discovered we both love Mel Gibson! We don't necessarily agree with his extracurricular activities but he's yummy and we like the bad boy twinkle in his eye. We are thrilled to have someone to agree. But then, on her mobile and the bar phone are calls both for her. One is from her husband, the other from her father-in-law. They each need help getting the other home from a bar (they've been to a funeral all afternoon).  We vote that she go and help, despite the pouring rain because these two are apparently unaware that they're seated next to each other in the same bar each calling Kyra for help with the other. I immediately grant Kyra and Helen sainthood :)  while Kyra is picking up the boys, Helen explains to me that her husband is not much of a drinker anymore-3 pints-that's Frank! But Frank and Keith haven't had a night out in awhile and there was the funeral on top of it all. Helen wants to know how long I'll stay in Cork. I explain that I want/need to find a job in order to continue to travel. She thinks I can find a job in Cork and has a place for me to let! Kyra was just telling me to move to Cork too! Maybe Dublin is not my town, it's Cork! A representative from the group in the corner approaches to keep me company. Despite being sopping wet and wearing a luggage tag, he tells me I'm lovely. "would you marry an Irishman?" Of course! What other kind of man could I consider? I think I'm in good with the corner group:)
In come Frank and Keith. Wow! Instantly, Frank notices the American girl. Where's yer husband? Don't know haven't met him! Helen! This girl needs a pint! Helen! She's lovely! Bring her a pint! It's on me! Helen wisely brings me a half pint (Frank is wondering what's taking so long so he and I review the process for pouring a proper Guinness. Kyra wisely decides to get the boys fish and chips as neither one of them is having much luck sitting on a bar stool and the bathroom door has attacked Keith's face. Saying no thank you to the fish is confusing for Keith-he doesn't understand how someone cannot eat anything from a body of water. What if a chicken fell, no jumped in the water....would I eat it? Eventually I become the "winning chicken" ?? And it's time for all to go to bed. Not before I am introduced to a new drink, as Frank could not finish his. It's half brandy, half port. I'm not sure I can recommend it, but it did warm me up for the hike up the hill to the hostel. So I hugged Kyra and Helen goodbye and promised I'd consider Cork for a place to work and play for awhile! What fun! Outside, it's horrible! Yes it rains consistently and constantly in Ireland, but this is unique. After a night filled with howling winds and car alarms (the winds were so severe they'd set them off!) my alarm goes off and I'm excited to jump in a hot shower! Unfortunately there's not one to be had. I suffer through and head down for breakfast. I'm shocked to see two things-a Kansas state flag proudly displayed in the commons and a darling German couple who confirm that I am definitely not the oldest person in the hostel! It's time to head to Blarney, and I'm going to need my sunglasses;) happy girl! Love this country!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE READING YOUR WRITING! sounds like Cork might just be a great place to find yourself for a bit, although I am certain you will be well received wherever you go! Much love to you. please send pictures, dammit! The girls need to see their Auntie M! Keep warm (and dry if you can!) and safe! Love, Bridget
